Why Choose ReactJS in 2021?

3 min readFeb 21, 2021

Comparison with React, Angular, and Vue JS

First, let’s see what React js? React is an open-source JavaScript library for building the user interface. That is specially used for single-page applications.

There are some popular frameworks here. like Angular and Vue. But Why we choose to react library?

First of all, React is very popular in the Stackover flow developer survey. If you like to check that is again we may use google trends.


It is not only for Search terms, Same as job availability. React on the top, Then angular.

Even now, Some countries use Angular more than react. Because Angular was initially released in October 2010. but react was initially public released in May 2013. So some companies already adopt Angular. But still, Most of the popular companies emerge to React. Companies that use Vue js very low.

The next point is size, Angular and Vue are frameworks. but React is a Library. Usually Frameworks bigger than Library. Because Frameworks have all tools for the development. but the library has only some tools to do particular works. The benefit of size is, If we choose a low-size tool to make our applications, Our final product will be a low size. So We can load our application fast.

For example, Frameworks have their own rendering tool. But Library hasn’t. So When we use libraries, If only need to use a rendering tool you can you Next JS or Gatsby JS. Depends on our purpose we may choose extra libraries. So we have a chance to choose the current trend or better tool for our work when we use the library for our development.

Gatsby JS: Full Static Websites.

Next Js: Static and Dynamic Websites.

This how-to react give selecting opportunities to developers.

These three tools have MIT open-source licenses. So there are no differences. There are free.

Finally, We look at learning.

React is a library, It targets specific user interfaces. So We can learn it very easily. Vue JS is also very easy. But Angular need some time to learn well.

These are major differences between them. I just tell reasons why we choose React. If you are satisfied with what I mentioned you can learn React. Otherwise, you may learn angular or Vue also. But don’t try to learn both at the same time. It will make it difficult for you.

Choose a better one. Learn that only. Find a suitable way to get success.



Vue JS

If you have any questions, feel free to post them in the comments section. I hope, this article has helped you get some basic ideas about Frameworks and libraries.





Undergraduate| Faculty of Information Technology | University Of Moratuwa